Monday, 9 August 2010

As I walked down the road at set of sun...

The rest of that song goes like.." the lambs were coming homeward one by one!". Reminds me of my rabble days in High skool, when we used to go through the rigours of compulsory choir practice. this particular piece was a Christmas carol. Anyway got me to appreciate music in all its forms (except lingala). Back to my yule-tide melody (ok Christmas...don't split hairs on this one). There is an element of closure, end of the day, close of a chapter and the birth of Christ in the song, we have some new beginning. Moved house the other day, which usually comes with several adjustments to adapt to the new surroundings. I have lovely neighbours by the way, and still border the Shire of Kibira!
I have made some resolutions (8 months too late), and I aim to stick with them in this spirit of renewal. Of new beginnings, I was slapping myself into reality the other day, reflecting on how short life is. In the space of a week, I had lost both a cousin, and a grandfather. A real sad turn of events. Well death does not discriminate, and we will all fall victims at our appointed time.Me and my procrastinating self got me thinking, ...anything can happen at anytime and the things I have been postponing may never be accomplished. I have several "vision 2015s and 2020s", and time is flying by. Hopefully without chewing more than I can swallow, I will start ticking off my "to-do" list.
Hopefully al get my act together and stick to my schedule. If you want to know more "nipate kando nikupashe uhondo!"


  1. All the best in your "bucket list". The first step is always writing it down. Speaking of which, I have a bucket list gathering dust on the shelf. I should go have a look at it.

  2. i know one of your vision 2015s.....
