Saturday 29 May 2010

Long holiday weekends

Well Labour day this year was a bummer...A public holiday on a Saturday...what a waste of a free day. Only my employer was smiling this time....he doesn't have to pay me for doing nothing, but 1 June fell on a somewhat semi-ideal day this year..Tuesday. No wonder everyone is booking leave on 31 May, which happens to be a Monday. Guys had started switching off on Friday morning as they anticipated 4 days of doing absolutely nothing, which reminded me of my doctor pals...I sometimes feel for them, 5 years of hard labour in med skool, another harsh 1 year as an intern and then more years of keeping the hippocratic (I hope this is the correct spelling) oath, ready to work on any day. There is no difference between a Monday and a Sunday, after all you never choose when to fall ill or have some freak accident. In the same category fall the police and that waiter at the hotel.
So the next time you are looking forward to a loooong weekend and complaining when someone interrupts your weekend, think of the other fellas who have to continue toiling like any other day just to make your free time bearable.