Monday, 31 May 2010

Damned if you do damned if you don't

It is interesting and you may say irritating at times trying to pick people's brains to know what they want. (GALZ mostly fall into this category and a few GAL-like brothaz). They tell you they don't want a dude who works too much and never hangs out with them , and then again complain about the brother who hangs out with them and never "hangs out" at his jobo to make the money to spend on her.When you take her to Carni for dinner, she becomes vegetarian, and when you take her out to a nice Indian restaurant, she complains she'll get gas (All these are hypothetical...just waiting to be shot by some angry sistah after I am done with this!).
Anywho, this reminds me of one gentleman i used to work with a few harvests ago. Name withheld for various reasons. So we go with the brother to a restaurant together with my two other colleagues. This was in Embu at some infamous establishment (name withheld also because of fear of post publication violence) but if you happen to be in the capital of Eastern province, there happens to be about one hotel you can stay in on official company bizness! Anyways, the brother is from the copper mines of Kitwe somewhere south of the continent, and he does not know what food is safe to order where. My rule of thumb...only order white meat where you are sure the stock is cleared within a day of it being purchased by the vendor. Knowing that ma brodaz from Embu are not fans of'll catch me dead ordering it from a joint here. So we all place our orders, and our Southern brother barks his.."i want rice and this fish you have shown here. The rice should be well done but not left in the fire for too long, my tomatoes should be chopped like this..yaddi yaddah yaddah...."
I was thinking to myself the entire time...this guy can only do well with a buffet...too choosy! Anyway, after sufficiently confusing the waiter, we wait for our meals. And when they were finally goodness. The dude took a bite of the fish, tasted the rice and almost broke into a war song..."Waiter..what is this you have served?...when I said the rice shouldn't be left in the fire for too long, i did not mean it should be raw..and what's with the fish...Come her and taste it and tell me..come!
The waiter tasted the fish and in one of the funniest responses I have ever heard he went..."mmmh..yummy!"..My goodness..the Southerner was enraged, you could almost see and touch his anger..."What do you mean mmmmh!"..All this time I was enjoying my food and almost choking as I tried to suppress my laughter with the comedy that was playing itself out. The Southerner mumbled some incoherent words, ate about half his food (how I don't know) and walked off in protest refusing to pay the bill for his food as he went to his room (getting the room was also another comedy for some other time)
In summary,we were forced to pay for the boss's dinner (pesa ya kampuni anyways) and duck the embarrassing stares from the other diners.
So if you don't like it, go to a buffet and choose what suits you and stop complaining about what others offer you. Then it will be your choice and you'd have to live with it..(you should see how my Southern friend behaves in a buffet...even there he has issues)

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