Tuesday, 26 October 2010

El Klassiko part 2

In what was characterised more by the off-field tragedy than the on-field goings-on, Saturday's second meeting between the former Kenyan soccer heavyweights (K'ogalo and Ingwe..aka Gor Mahia and AFC Leopards), left some of us not "feeling" the atmosphere that the match is usually characterised by. Well for the umpteenth time, the queue management was bogus and the enraged fans brought down gate 2 as people were trampled in the ensuing stampede that left 7 dead. the ambulance, police and first aiders reaction was pathetic to be modest with my words. The needless loss of lives for a hundred bob is so annoying.
Well, as the fat cats in the football administrators' fraternity sat on their oversized backsides, and continue with their despicable wrangling for power (while siphoning funds if I may add), innocent people were trampled on.
Anyway away from my anger and onto more serious technology stuff....Mr. Blackberry really did us proud and we got revenge on the dotted cats from mulembe....The medicineman skinned the cat.
The one thing i take away from that game though, was the concern people had for me. My high skool pal (name withheld lest I spoil his plans) once told me, the one test he would use to see if a chick/gal/woman genuinely loved and valued him was to go on a hike, to say Longonot, and when they reach some difficult section, he would fall pretend to have strained his ankle and therefore be "incapable of trekking further". If she left him for dead, so would he. Well I got to know which people really know what I do and like and therefore show concern fro my well-being. you know yourselves, thanks for the genuine calls of concern, and I love you all too.


  1. your judgement is abit off....wat about that person who jus said a prayer for you? ama beshte ni that person will credo kwa simu peke yake.

  2. @ Winfred...are we feeling a bit guilty of something?...
