Wednesday, 28 November 2012

When the fence is no longer there to sit on....

Have you ever felt the urge to say something when it is not your place to speak up, ..say anything,.. whether morally correct or otherwise. Have you ever had knowledge of that not so well hidden but deadly secret that would open up a can of worms whose aftermath you wouldn't know how to control? Well sometimes some of us find ourselves in such positions, and it's a pretty awful position to be in. I think I have been invariably pushed into such positions quite often in the past.
Unfortunately I am the analytical type, and I usually subject my poor brain into carrying out several permutations and combinations of likely scenarios as dictated by my actions (and possibly those of others as well).This is one of the easiest ways to gather fatigue and stress.
I am no therapist, but I know and usually feel almost instantly the relief on the stress once am able to share with someone the load of withholding such information. Worse still, I usually ask myself why I always end up being the recipient of such "classified" information. Anyway there may be some reason I may not be privy to that makes me find myself in such situations.
Anyway for ye who find yourselves in such situations, however hard it may be, I learnt that there is no need to sweat it, trust in the good Lord... quoting one of my favourite person in the world, " shall be well...".
Sitting on the fence is usually my past time in such situations, and my default stance, but I think I fail my friends and myself by not stating the obvious or my thoughts for that case.As much as the truth is difficult to swallow in some cases, I believe we all have an obligation to advise those closest to us when we feel they are not doing what is proper or stuff you disagree with (not a mandatory one, but a moral obligation).

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing" .. George Zimmerman