Monday, 8 August 2011

#My 5 Links

Though I never really keep my blog "out there".(I find it therapeutic just ranting on my own canvas of choice when I feel like letting out a bit of steam) Anyway, here goes......

Most Popular Post:
Interestingly enough it is my blogg on my hike up Mt. Kilimanjaro, Gillman's point, Stella's point,....Uhuru!  , I think ya'll should try that hike.

Post That Didn’t Get The Attention It Deserved:
I am not sure I should have this coz I wasn't sure I wanted a lot of attention on some of the write-ups. I tend to be cryptic in some of my blogs, maybe one day someone will find out what I was really trying to say :-)..But the vote goes to  Missionary, mercenary or misfit, The circumstances that made me write it (true story) was profoundly touching and made me question human behaviour at times.

Post Whose Success Surprised Me:
This surely goes to El Klassiko . I don't think many people are avid followers of the local derbies, but you just have to be at the stadium to experience one of Kenya's unique game-day actions. The terraces have some of the most memorable actions you'll get anywhere...

My Most Controversial Post:
Controversy you say?...Well that has to be Feb the 14th....I think it is always a controversial topic especially for some brotherz

Post I Am Most Proud Of:
I felt a sense of satisfaction (with a tinge of eeevvviiill :-P writing this one)..For ye who get bullied on the Nairobi roads, i think you would have smiled at yourself at the outcome...That surely goes to Internal combustion madness! I still smile at myself remembering the little mishap!